Found: 29 articles

Article Edition
M.I. Kogan, V.V. Krasulin, V.V. Mitusov, A.V. Shangichev , V.P. Gluhov, S.V. Naranov
Surgical treatment of strictures or obliterations of urethra
№2 / 2015
P.V. Glybochko, Yu.G. Alyaev, V.N. Nikolenko, A.B. Shekhter, A.Z. Vinarov, L.P. Istranov, E.V. Istranova, R.K. Aboyants, A.B. Lyundup, M.I. Danilevsky, A.E. Guller, P.A. Elistratov, D.V. Butnaru, D.F. Kantimerov, G.A. Mashin, A.S. Titov, A.V. Proskura, K.V. Kudrichevskaya
Experimental validation of the developing a matrix based on decellularized vascular wall for subsequent substitution urethrop- lasty
№6 / 2014
A.V. Artemov, Yu.G. Alyaev, L.M. Rapoport, D.G. Tsarichenko
Mitomycin in the complex treatment of strictures of vesicourethral anastomosis after radical prostatectomy
№5 / 2014
I.N. Larionov, V.N. Sapelko, N.Yu. Belozerov, G.V. Romanov
Calculi in artificial urethra
№3 / 2014
A.A. Lebedinets, M.I. Shkolnik, D.A. Timofeev
First experience of Ho:YAG laser urethrotomy in the treatment of strictures in patients with prostate cancer
№3 / 2014

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