Successful treatment of an infant with a rare anomaly: iliosacral dystopia of the right kidney and obliteration of the left distal ureter


S.B. Imamverdiyev, V.Y. Abdurahimova

Department of Urology, Azerbaijan Medical University (Head of the Department - corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, prof. S.B. Imamverdiyev), Baku, Azerbaijan
Abstract: In the article a rare case of structural anomaly of ureter, namely obliteration, in 1-year-old infant is reviewed. The obliteration was located in the distal part of the left ureter. There was urine leakage through dilated and inflamed wall of the ureter towards right gluteal region with a formation of retroperitoneal abscess. A diagnosis was established based on preoperative MRI and intraoperative antegrade pyeloureterography. Extravesical Lich-Gregoir ureterocystoneostomy was successfully performed.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: – V.Y. Abdurahimova – Ph.D., Department of Urology, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan, e-mail:

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