The role of male factor in pregnancy loss


M.N. Korshunov, E.S. Korshunova, Yu.V. Kastrikin,
 E.A. Efremov, S.P. Darenkov

1) Central Medical Academy Administration of the President of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia; 2) Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology N.A. Lopatkin - branch of FSBI NMRRC of the Ministry of Health care of Russia, Moscow, Russia; 3) Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia; 4) International Andrological Center, Moscow, Russia
Currently fertility specialists pay close attention to miscarriage. Spontaneous abortion and recurrent pregnancy loss in an early period of gestation are a frequent complication of pregnancy. Etiology of miscarriage includes genetic abnormalities, immunological disorders, endocrine abnormalities, infections and lifestyle factors. About 40% of cases of pregnancy losses remain unexplained. The role of male factor in miscarriages is considered in the review. The influence of advanced paternal ages, sperm DNA fragmentation, chromosomal abnormalities on pregnancy loss in natural conception or by assisted reproductive technique are described.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: M.N. Korshunov – е-mail:

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