Possibilities of monotherapy with Prostatex in patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/urology.2022.1.41-45

A.I. Neymark, A.V. Davydov, B.A. Neimark, N.A. Nozdrachev, M.A. Melnik, A.A. Voronin

1) Department of Urology and Andrology with a course of Specialized Surgery of FGBOU VO "Altai State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul, Russia; 2) KGBUZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 11, Barnaul
Aim. To study the efficiency of the treatment of patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis using the drug Prostatex.
Materials and methods. A total of 72 patients aged 22 to 43 years with chronic abacterial prostatitis were included in the study. All patients received Prostatex in the form of suppositories 10 mg QD within 20 days. The duration of the follow-up was 1 month.
Results. By the third visit from the start of treatment, there were almost no symptoms of the disease, according to the NIH-CPSI and IPSS questionnaires. In 67 (93.1%) patients, the prostate became an elastic, while in 69 (95.8%) men it was painless at palpation. In addition, a decrease in the prostate size, volume of residual urine and an improvement in urine flow rate were seen.
Conclusion. Our results showed that monotherapy with Prostatex in patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis was effective and had pathogenetic rationale. This drug has a positive effect on the main symptoms of the disease, significantly reduces pain, urination disturbances, helps to reduce the prostate size and the volume of residual urine, improves prostate microcirculation and can be recommended for this category of patients.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: A.V. Davydov – Ph.D., MD, professor at the Department of Urology and Andrology with a course of Specialized Surgery of FGBOU VO "Altai State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul, Russia; e-mail: andre1763@mail.ru

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