Non-ischemic priapism (post-traumatic arteriovenous fistula of the right cavernous body) in the background of Landusy-Dejerine myopathy


S.V. Popov, I.N. Orlov, T.M. Topuzov, S.M. Asadulaev, S.G. Vintskovsky, E.A. Grin, A.R. Orlov, M.A. Kotlov, N.I. Dub

1) St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 2) Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, St. Petersburg, Russia; 3) North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 4) Pavlov First State Medical University of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Landouzy-Dejerine myopathy (Facial-shoulder-shoulder myodystrophy) is a disease which causes weakness of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back and hip muscles, which predisposes patients to an increased risk of injury and disability. The article presents a clinical observation of non-ischemic priapism, which developed as a result of perineal trauma with the formation of a fistula of the right cavernous body in a patient against the background of facial shoulder-shoulder myodystrophy. Methods for the differential diagnosis of this condition are also discussed.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: E.A. Grin – urologist of the urology department No. 1, St. Luke Clinic State Budgetary Health Institution of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; e-mail:

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