Giant sclerosing lipogranuloma of the penis and scrotum


Simanov R.N., Malyshev E.V., Smirnova D.V.

1) Petrozavodsk State University; Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia; 2) V.A. Baranov Republican Hospital; Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia
Sclerosing oleogranuloma of the penis is a rare benign condition characterized by the formation of rough and dense infiltrates in the male genital area following injection of foreign materials under the skin for the purpose of augmentation. It predominantly affects males of reproductive age. Diagnosis is based on patient’s history, examination and histological findings. Treatment involves excision of the granuloma and affected tissues with surgical margins followed by reconstruction of the penis and scrotum.
A clinical case of the treatment of giant oleogranuloma of the penis and scrotum in a 21-year-old man clinically manifested by painful multiple lesions under the skin with ulceration along the coronal sulcus, pain, deterioration of the quality of life and cosmetic issues is presented in the article. For surgical treatment, the one-stage Sapozhkov-Reich procedure was performed for the first time at the urology department of the Republican Hospital named after V.A. Baranov, Petrozavodsk.
Keywords: sclerosing lipogranuloma of the penis, sclerosing lipogranuloma of the scrotum, penis augmentation, injections into the penis, vaselinome, one-stage Sapozhkov-Reich procedure
Author contributions. Simanov R.N. – idea, concept and design of writing the article, literature review, collection and processing of information and materials, description of a clinical case, analysis of patient carts, surgical treatment, writing text and preparing illustrative materials for publication; 60% of the work. Malyshev E.V. – surgical treatment, collection and processing of information, description of a clinical case; 20% of the work. Smirnova D.V. – collection and processing of clinical data, assistance in writing an article, preparation of a description of histological examination and micropreparations, creation of microphotographs, preparation of illustrative materials for publication; 20% of the work.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: R.N. Simanov – chief lecturer in the Department of Hospital Surgery, ENT Diseases, Ophtalmology, Dentistry, Oncology, Urology in Medical Institute named after Professor A.P. Zilber Petrozavodsk State University, urologist at the Department of Urology of V.A. Baranov Republican Hospital; Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia; e-mail:

Бионика Медиа