Men’s health preservation: gender-specific features of disease prevention and choice of program solution


Kamalov A.A., Gabbasova L.A., Nesterova O.Yu., Bozhedomov V.A., Drapkina O.M.

1) University Clinic, Medical Research and Education Institute of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; 2) Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Medical Research and Education Institute of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; 3) Federal State Budgetary Institution «NMIC TPM» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
The protection of men’s health as a concept is currently only beginning to emerge in most countries, but the belief about the need to develop this area is being discussed more and more often by leading representatives of the medical community. Interest in the issues of men’s health protection and gender approaches to health assessment in the health system has increased significantly, primarily due to the higher mortality rate of the male population, as well as lower life expectancy at birth (LEB). Compared to women, men are more vulnerable to many diseases that affect the quality and duration of life, but they are poorly motivated to maintain health, rarely turn to doctors for prevention. Many important steps have already been taken in this direction: pilot projects are being created all over the world, interdisciplinary platforms are being developed, specialists are being trained and legislative regulation is changing. The joint work of doctors in the field, as well as the development of national programs, will help to overcome the gender gap in life expectancy between men and women by promoting a holistic and orderly approach to men’s health.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: O.Yu. Nesterova – M.D., Cand. Sc. (Med), Urologist, Researcher, Urology and Andrology Unit, University Clinic of Lomonosov Moscow State University, senior lecturer of the Dept. of Urology and Andrology, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Medical Research and Education Institute Lomonosov, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; e-mail:

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