Found: 2 articles

Article Edition
E.S. Korshunova, M.N. Andreev, M.N. Korshunov, T.M. Pyatnitskaya, D.M. Korshunov, S.P. Darenkov, N.A. Suponeva
Long-term safety and efficacy of trospium chloride for the treatment of neurogenic overactive bladder due to Parkinson's disease – is there an effect on cognitive status?
№6 / 2022
A.A. Kamalov, E.S. Korshunova, G.R. Popov, L.A. Khodyreva, A.A.Dudareva, A.N. Nizov
Prospects for the treatment of idiopathic and neurogenic overactive bladder
№1 / 2015

Бионика Медиа