Found: 2 articles

Article Edition
L.M. Rapoport, N.I. Sorokin, R.B. Sukhanov, A.M. Dymov, D.V. Enikeev, D.S. Davydov, S.P. Danilov
En bloc holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HOLEP EN BLOC): our experience
№3 / 2018
A.S Grechenkov, P.V Glybochko, J.G Alyaev, E.A. Bezrukov, A.Z. Vinarov, D.V. Butnaru, R.B. Sukhanov
Risk factors for anterior urethral strictures after transurethral resection of benign prostatic hyperplasia
№1 / 2015

Бионика Медиа