Found: 2 articles

Article Edition
P.V. Glybochko, Yu.G. Alyaev, A.B. Shekhter, A.Z. Vinarov, L.P. Istranov, E.V. Istranova, R.K. Aboyants, A.V. Lyundup, M.E. Krasheninnikov, A.E. Guller, D.V. Butnaru, L.V. Marisov, D.F. Kantimerov, A.V. Kurkov, E.I. Safronova, E.A. Vorob’eva, M.M. Iritsyan
PLGA mesh-collagen hybrid scaffold and tissue-engineered product in substitution urethroplasty: experimental validation
№6 / 2015
P.V. Glybochko, Ju.G. Aljaev, V.N. Nikolenko, A.B. Shehter, A.Z. Vinarov, L.P. Istranov, E.V. Istranova, R.K. Abojanc, A.V. Ljundup, M.I. Danilevskij, A.E. Guller, P.A. Elistratov, D.V. Butnaru, D.F. Kantimerov, G.A. Mashin, A.S. Titov, A.V. Proskura, K.V. Kudrichevskaja
Tissue-engineered substitution urethroplasty based on decellularized vascular matrix and autologous cells of the buccal mucosa: the first experience
№3 / 2015

Бионика Медиа