Found: 4 articles

Article Edition
A.G. Martov, M.Yu. Golubev, D.V. Ergakov, P.M. Golubev, N.A. Baykov, A.S. Andronov, D.A. Abdullaev
Transurethral endopyelotomy using thulium fiber laser
№3 / 2020
A.G. Martov, D.V. Ergakov, D.E. Turin, A.S. Andronov
Bipolar and laser endoscopic enucleation for large benign prostatic hyperplasia
№1 / 2020
S.V. Popov, I.N. Orlov, A.G. Martov, S.M. Malevich, I.V. Sushina, E.A. Grin, V.M. Obidnyak, D.V. Dovganskiy, T.M. Topuzov
A comparison between enucleation of the prostate using holmium and thulium laser in volume over 80 cc: retrospective clinical study with 12-months follow-up
№3 / 2019
D.V. Platonova, V.A. Zamyatina, A.M. Dymov, A.A. Kovalenko, A.Z. Vinarov, V.P. Minaev
Laser lithotripsy
№6 / 2015

Бионика Медиа