Found: 3 articles

Article Edition
V.B. Filimonov, M.V. Mnihovich, R.V. Vasin, S.A. Ivanov,
 A.V. Petryaev, I.S. Sobennikov
Experimental foundation of the use of prolene implant while performing kidney resection
№6 / 2021
B.G. Guliev, Kh.Kh. Yagubov
Laparoscopic transperitoneal partial nephrectomy for a tumor of the upper segment
№6 / 2017
P.V. Glybochko, Yu.G. Alyaev, A.M. Pshikhachev, E.V. Shpot’, N.I. Sorokin, A.M. Dymov, G.N. Akopyan, D.V. Chinenov, O.V. Snurnitsyna
The potential of endovideosurgical technologies for simultaneous ipsilateral presentation of a kidney tumor and kidney stone
№3 / 2016

Бионика Медиа