Found: 5 articles

Article Edition
L.M. Rapoport, N.I. Sorokin, R.B. Sukhanov, A.M. Dymov, D.V. Enikeev, D.S. Davydov, S.P. Danilov
En bloc holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HOLEP EN BLOC): our experience
№3 / 2018
P.V. Glybochko, Yu.G. Alyaev, L.M. Rapoport, D.V. Enikeev, Z. Okhunov, C. Netsch, L.G. Spivak, M.S. Taratkin
Endoscopic enucleation of the prostate: a short term trend or a new treatment standard?
№2 / 2018
I.N. Orlov, S.V. Popov, A.G. Martov, E.A. Gallyamov, S.M. Malevich, I.V. Sushina, E.A. Grin’, A.E. Sanzharov, A.B. Novikov, V.P. Sergeev, A.D. Kochkin
Comparative assessment of treatments for prostate adenoma greater than 100 cm3
№6 / 2017
D.G. Tsarichenko, R.R. Simberdeev, P.V. Glybochko, Y.G. Alyaev, L.M. Rapoport, R.B. Sukhanov, N.I. Sorokin, D.V. Enikeev, D.S. Davydov
Monopolar transurethral enucleation of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Our initial experience
№4 / 2016
D.V. Enikeev, P.V. Glybochko, Yu.G. Alyaev, L.M. Rapoport, M.E. Enikeev, D.G. Tsarichenko, N.I. Sorokin, R.B. Sukhanov, A.M. Dimov, O.Kh. Khamraev, D.S. Davydov, M.S. Taratkin, R.R. Simberdeev
Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HOLEP) for small, large and giant prostatic hyperplasia. Practice guidelines. Experience of more than 450 surgeries
№4 / 2016

Бионика Медиа