Found: 4 articles

Article Edition
B.A. Berdichevsky, V.B. Berdichevsky, E.V. Sapozhenkova, I.V. Pavlova, A.R. Gonyaev, A.L. Boldyrev, V.A. Shidin, N.V. Averina, A.V. Simonov, M.A. Korabelnikov
Clinical significance of PET/CT molecular cell diagnostics of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system
№5 / 2023
V.B. Berdichevsky, B.A. Berdichevsky, V.V. Kolpakov, E.V. Sapozhenkova, I.V. Pavlova, A.R. Gonyaev, M.A. Korabelnikov
Pilot study of the manifestations of synchrony of the anatomical-metabolic and functional state of the brain, kidneys and bladder
№6 / 2022
B.A. Berdichevsky, V.B. Berdichevsky, E.V. Sapozhenkova, A.V. Romanova, F.R. Rasulov, M.A. Korabelnikov
Retrospective analysis of the results of whole-body PET/CT as a possible tool for clinical examination of the population in order to identify subclinical manifestations of chronic kidney disease (pilot study)
№1 / 2022
B.A. Berdichevskyy, V.B. Berdichevskyy, A.G. Bichenova,
 D.A. Barashin
Whole-body PET/CT scan with 18F-FDG glucose for a clinical assessment of renal parenchyma viability
№4 / 2021

Бионика Медиа