Found: 2 articles

Article Edition
Sirota E.S., Kuznetsov I.A., Glybochko P.V., Butnaru D.V., Alyaev Yu.G., Fiev D.N., Proskura A.V., Adzhiev A.R., Zholdubaev A.A.
Interpretation of the prognosis of early results of nephron-sparing surgery with consideration of surgical learning curve using clinical decision support systems
№2 / 2024
A.V. Konyshev, P.V. Glybochko, D.V. Butnaru, Yu.G. Alyaev, E.S. Sirota, M.M. Chernenky, I.M. Chernenky, D.N. Fiev, A.V. Proskura, A.R. Adzhiev, S.A. Amrakhov, A.A. Izmailova, I.P. Sarkisyan, M.Yu. Alekseeva, V.N. Gridin, P.V. Bochkarev, I.A. Kuznetsov
Texture analysis of 3D models for the prediction of the grade of clear cell renal cell carcinoma of the kidney (pilot study)
№4 / 2023

Бионика Медиа