Found: 4 articles

Article Edition
M.Yu. Prosiannikov, E.K. Yanenko, S.K. Yarovoy, S.A. Golova­nov, O.V. Konstantinova, N.V. Anokhin, O.V. Djalilov, A.V. Sivkov, O.I. Apolikhin
The features of pathogenesis of urolithiasis in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
№1 / 2019
S.K. Yarovoi, E.N. Kareva, O.V. Dzhalilov
Effects of oral hypoglycemic drugs on lithogenic properties of urine in nephrolithiasis patients with concurrent type 2 diabetes
№3 / 2018
M.I. Kogan, I.I. Belousov, H.S. Ibishev, A.A. Cherniy, I.A. Khripun, S.V. Vorobyev, D.V. Sizjakin
Association of lower urinary tract symptoms and testosterone deficiency in men with type 2 diabetes
№6 / 2016
V.I. Petrov, A.Z. Vinarov, M.A. Vekilyan, N.G. Kulchenko
Changes in the structure of pathogens of calculous pyelonephritis complicated with diabetes mellitus type ii, in the hospital urology of the city of Volgograd
№4 / 2016

Бионика Медиа