Found: 2 articles

Article Edition
Yu. E. Dobrohotova, I.N. Korotkikh, A.V. Kuzmenko,
 V.V. Kuzmenko, T.A. Gyaurgiev
The efficiency of probiotics in the prevention 
of recurrent lower urinary tract infections and bacterial vaginosis
№4 / 2021
P.V. Slukin, E.A. Svetoch, E.M. Aslanyan, E.I. Astashkin, M.G. Ershova, E.D. Poletaeva, A.P. Shepelin, N.K. Fursova
Phenotypic and molecular genetic properties of Escherichia coli clinical strains isolated from patients with urological diseases
№2 / 2020

Бионика Медиа