Found: 6 articles

Article Edition
Shperling M.I., Shperling N.V., Neimark A.I., Kovaleva Yu.S.
Current approaches to diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections during pregnancy
№4 / 2024
Gvozdev M.Y., Arefyeva О.А., Lazareva E.K., Popov A.A., Fedorov A.A.
Urethral diverticulum in the pregnant woman
№2 / 2024
Perov R.A., Nemenov A.A., Nizin P.Y., Sokolov N.M., Kotov S.V.
Obstructive uropathia in pregnant women: results of treatment depending on the etiopatogenetic factor of development
№6 / 2023
N.V. Bychkova, S.B. Urenkov, A.A. Podoinitsin, E.I. Prokopenko, I.G. Nikolskaya
Recurrence of stone formation in pregnant women with a ureteral stent
№5 / 2023
M.I. Kogan, N.V. Vorobyeva, I.I. Belousov
Prevalence and severity of lower urinary tract symptoms during the first pregnancy in healthy women
№5 / 2023
I. Aizat Sabri, M.R. Yusof, A.V. Jagwani,O. Fahmy, C.K.S. Lee, MG-Khairul Asri, W.M. Wan Muhamad Mokhzani, G. Dharmendra, H. Ahmad Zhariff
A rare case of bladder leiomyoma in pregnancy: a case report
№6 / 2022

Бионика Медиа