Found: 30 articles

Article Edition
Neymark A.I., Nozdrachev N.A., Kulchavenya E.V., Kholtobin D.P., Davydov A.V., Neymark A.B., Kovaleva Yu.S., Yakovlev A.V.
Use of the drug Prostatex plus in patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis and BPH
№2 / 2024
Kasyan G.R., Khodyreva L.A., Grigoryan B.L., Dyakov V.V.
Practical use of Adenoprosin® in combination therapy in men with lower urinary tract symptoms
№1 / 2024
Kamalov A.A., Sorokin N.I., Kadrev A.V., Shaparov B.M., Afanasevskaya E.V., Sindeeva O.A., Sukhorukov G.B., Kritsky A.A., Pyataev N.A., Abdurashitov A.S., Kulikov O.A., Proshin P.I.
The use of a urethral catheter with an ultrasound-induced biopolymer drug coating for the prevention of recurrent bladder neck sclerosis in patients after endoscopic treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia
№6 / 2023
Abdullaev Sh.P., Shatokhin M.N., Tuchkova S.N., Abdullaev Sh.P., Teodorovich O.V., Loran O.B., Sychev D.A.
Study of allelic variants of the CYP2D6 and CYP3A genes on the effectiveness and safety of tamsulosin therapy in patients with BPH: results of a pilot study
№6 / 2023
S.P. Abdullaev, M.N. Shatokhin, O.V. Teodorovich, D.A. Sychev
Molecular genetic predictors of the efficacy and safety of tamsulosin therapy
№6 / 2022
A.A. Zimichev, D.O. Gusev, D.Yu. Lukyanova
Evaluation of the efficacy of silodosin 8 mg in comorbid patients with LUTS/BPH
№6 / 2022
D.Yu. Pushkar, O.B. Loran, A.N. Bernikov
The influence of alfuzosin monotherapy on the sexual function of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia in real clinical practice (results of a Russian multicenter study)
№6 / 2022
A.G. Martov, A.S. Dukhanin, A.N. Bernikov
Current issues in alpha1-adrenergic blocker therapy: integration of pharmacological approach and clinical experience
№3 / 2022
Sh.I. Giyasov, R.R. Gafarov, Z.R.Shodmonova, Sh.T. Mukhtarov, F.A. Akilov
The role of systematization of postoperative complications in assessing the efficiency and safety of surgical methods for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia
№3 / 2022
B.A. Neymark, A.I. Neymark, Ya.V. Yakovets, N.A. Nozdrachev, Kh.S. Ibishev, I.V. Kuzmin
Management of lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia during COVID-19. results of an all-russian observational study “ATLANT”
№1 / 2022
I.A. Shaderkin, G.S. Lebedev, V.A. Shaderkina, D.M. Monakov,
L.G. Spivak, Z.K. Gadzhieva, M.A. Gazimiev
Outpatient urodynamic monitoring in patients with BPH: world and russian experience
№6 / 2021
A.V. Kuzmenko, V.V. Kuzmenko, T.A. Gyaurgiev
Modern possibilities of therapy of a urological patient with concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system
№6 / 2021

Бионика Медиа