Total epispadias of duplicated urethra in boys


A.E. Solov’ev

Ryazan State I.P. Pavlov Medical University, Ryazan, Russia
The article reports on two cases of the total epispadias of duplicated urethra with and without penile duplication. The authors describe the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. Duplicated urethra with epispadias both with and without penile duplication must be removed. At the same time, it is necessary to restore the patency of the lower duplicated urethra.
Keywords: epispadias, duplicated urethra, diagnosis, treatment

About the Autors

Corresponding author: A. E. Solov’ev – Dr.Med.Sci., Prof. Head of the Department of Department of Pediatric Surgery, Ryazan State I.P. Pavlov Medical University, Ryazan, Russia; e-mail:

Бионика Медиа