Characteristic features of urinary calcium excretion and osteoporosis risk factors in patients with urolithiasis


L.S. Demidko, V.I. Rudenko, V.A. Grigoryan, Yu.L. Demidko, M.E. Enikeev, Zh.Sh. Inoyatov, M.V. Amosova

Clinic of Urology, I.M. Sechenov First MSMU of Minzdrav of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia; Department of Endocrinology, I.M. Sechenov First MSMU of Minzdrav of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia
Relevance. The prevalence of urolithiasis and osteoporosis (OP) indicates that these diseases may be found concurrently in the same patient. The detection of risk factors for OP and disorders of calcium metabolism in patients with urolithiasis is of interest in the context of primary stone formation and metaphylaxis.
Aim. To identify risk factors for osteoporosis and disorders of calcium metabolism in patients with urolithiasis.
Materials and methods. Osteoporosis risk factors were studied in 45 urolithiasis patients undergoing surgical treatment. Patients were asked to fill out the osteoporosis risk factor questionnaire, and urinary calcium excretion was measured in 24-h collections.
Results Risk factors for osteoporosis were detected in 20 (44.4%) urolithiasis patients. Patients with osteoporosis risk factors identified by the questionnaire were statistically significantly older (p=0.032). Osteoporosis risk factors were found in 20% of patients with newly diagnosed urolithiasis and 24.4% of patients with recurrent urolithiasis. The study patients showed increased urinary calcium excretion and decreased diuresis. The negative correlation between urinary calcium excretion and 24-h diuresis was greater in patients who had than in those who did not have osteoporosis.
Conclusion. An increase in urinary calcium excretion and a decrease in diuresis can be a predisposing factor for the recurrence of urolithiasis. In patients with risk factors for osteoporosis, it can provide a rationale for administering drugs aimed at preventing stone formation (thiazide diuretics).

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Yu. L. Demidko – Dr.Med.Sci., Physician at the Clinic of Urology, I.M. Sechenov First MSMU of Minzdrav of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia; e-mail:

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