Using various methods of intraoperative hemostasis in laparoscopic genitourinary surgery in children


F.O. Turov, S.P. Yatsyk, I.V. Poddubnyi, T.M. Glybina, O.I. Bespalyuk

National Medical Research Center of Children’s Health of Minzdrav of Russia, Moscow, Russia; Morozovskaya Children’s City Clinical Hospital of MHD, Moscow, Russia; A.I. Evdokimov MSUMD of Minzdrav of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Aim. To improve treatment results of children undergoing laparoscopic genitourinary surgery by optimizing intraoperative hemostasis.
Materials and methods. The study comprised 110 children with various genitourinary diseases. The study group included 70 children who underwent laparoscopic surgery with optimized hemostasis with the use of an automated electrosurgical vessels ligation device LigaSure. Forty children who received standard intraoperative hemostasis with mono- or bipolar coagulation made up a control group.
Results. The operative time was significantly shorter with the optimized method of hemostasis than when using mono- and bipolar coagulation [77.02 min versus 112.5 min (p<0.05)]. The blood loss in the study group was also significantly lower than in the control group [17.9 and 34.2 ml, respectively (p<0.05)] due to precise control and final hemostasis. There were no intraoperative complications and conversion to open surgery in patients in the optimized hemostasis group, whereas in the control group two complications were observed.
Conclusion. Laparoscopic urogenital surgery with the optimized hemostasis using the automated electrosurgical vessels ligation device LigaSure in children is optimal due to the minimal injury to the coagulated tissues, the ability to forgo clipping and ligation of the vessels, which results in shorter operative time and reduced intraoperative blood loss.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: F. O. Turov – Ph.D. Student, Pediatric Urologist-Andrologist at the Department of Urology with Groups of Reproduction and Transplantation, NMRC of Children’s Health of Minzdrav of Russia, Moscow, Russia; e-mail:

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