Epidemiology and theories of the origin of hypospadias

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/urology.2018.3.141-145

V.V. Nikolaev, Yu.N. Solontsov

Department of Pediatric Surgery (Head – Prof. A. Yu. Razumovskii), N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia (Rector – Dr.Biol.Sci., Academician of the RAS, S. A. Luk’yanov), Moscow, Russia; Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital of Minzdrav of Russia (Head Physician – K. V. Konstantinov), Moscow, Russia
The increase in the prevalence of hypospadias, which has lasted for several decades, signals the need to find ways to prevent the disease. Development of measures aimed to reduce morbidity is impossible without a unified concept of the etiology and pathogenesis of hypospadias. The article analyzes the existing theories of the origin of hypospadias. According to the literature, there are 5 types of causes of hypospadias, some of which are currently established. Among the causes under investigation, the emphasis is on placental factors.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Yu. N. Solontsov – Teaching Assistant at the Department of Pediatric Surgery, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: yura_solontsov@mail.ru

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