The influence of urethral stricture disease and urethroplasty on anxiety and depression in men


M.I. Kogan, B.G. Amirbekov, M.N. Kryuchkova, V.V. Mitusov, V.V. Krasulin, D.V. Sizyakin

Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Introduction. The relationship of surgical treatment of urethral stricture and such mental deviations as anxiety and depression is still poorly understood. Particularly, there is no reliable data on how mental status is associated to surgical treatment of the urethral stricture and its efficacy.
Aim: to study the indicators of anxiety and depression in patients with urethral stricture before and after surgery.
Materials and methods. The prospective study involving 30 men aged 20-74 years with urethral stricture of various etiologies and localizations was conducted. The validated questionnaires, HADS-1 and HADS-2 were used to evaluate anxiety and depression, lower urinary tract symptoms (I-PSS-QoL), erectile dysfunction (IIEF-5) before and 3 and 6 months after surgery.
Results. Almost all patients with urethral stricture before surgery had an increased level of anxiety and depression, which in 70% cases decreased to normal values by 6 months after successful surgery. Clinically, these changes correlated with the improvement of lower urinary tract symptoms. The restoration of erectile function in patients by 6 months was less pronounced, though it had no influence on the resolution of anxiety/depression.
Conclusion. The determination of psycho-emotional status in patients with urethral stricture before and after urethroplasty should be as important for the evaluation of the efficiency of surgical treatment, as the resolution of lower urinary tract symptoms and restoration of sexual function.
Keywords: urethral stricture, anxiety, depression, lower urinary tract symptoms, erectile dysfunction

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Kogan M.I. – Dr.Med.Sci., Prof., Honored Scientist of Russia, head of the department of urology and reproductive health with the course of pediatric urology and andrology of Rostov State Medical University of Minzdrav of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail:

Бионика Медиа