Delayed ejaculation: epidemiology, diagnostics and treatment


M.N. Rustamov, A.R. Belyaev, R.M. Aliev, L.M. Rapoport, A.Z. Vinarov

1) Institute of Urology and Reproductive Health of FGAOU VO I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia; 2) University clinic of Kazan (Privolzhskij) State University, Kazan, Russia
Delayed ejaculation is a form of sexual disorders, which is characterized by constant or intermittent delays or absence of ejaculation and orgasm, despite normal sexual arousal and erectile function. Delayed ejaculation is one of the most studied and rare types of male sexual dysfunctions, which leads to depression, anxiety, and often is a reason of low self-esteem, reduced satisfaction of a man with his partner, and worsening of relationships between partners. In some cases, delayed ejaculation and anejaculation cause infertility. Current views on epidemiology, diagnostics and treatment strategy of delayed ejaculation are presented in the article.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: M.N. Rustamov – urologist at the University Clinic of Kazan (Privolzhsky) State University, Kazan, Russia; correspondence Ph.D. student at the Institute for Urology and Human Reproductive Health of FGAOU VO I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia; e-mail:

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