Retroperitoneoscopic technologies in retroperitoneal procedures


Yu.S. Lobanov, K.G. Shapovalov, S.L. Lobanov

FGBOU VO «Chita State Medical University», Chita, Russia
The active development of minimally invasive procedures on retroperitoneal organs using endoscopic technology raises the question of the most rational approach. The studies dedicated to the comparison of transperitoneal and retroperitoneoscopic approach are analyzed in the article. The advantages and the most common complications, as well as the factors limiting the widespread use of retroperitoneoscopic approach, are reviewed.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Yu.S. Lobanov – Ph.D., associate professor at the Department of Faculty Surgery with the course of Urology of FGBOU VO «Chita State Medical University», Chita, Russia; e-mail:

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