Interaction of immune-competent blood components in patients with isolated blunt renal trauma


K.A. Chiglintsev, V.N. Zhuravlev, A.Yu. Chiglintsev

1) Medico-diagnostic center «Raduga», Chelyabinsk, Russia; 2) Department of Urology of FGBOU VO «Ural State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Introduction: Blunt renal trauma manifest at macro- and microstructural levels as concussions, bruises or lacerations. The pyelonephritis predominates in structure of posttraumatic compli-
Aim. To study immune changes in patients with renal trauma and their effect on the development of inflammatory post-traumatic complications.
Materials and methods. Multivariate statistical analysis of immunological parameters in the immediate post-traumatic period in 92 patients with 2–3 degrees of isolated blunt renal trauma, according to the classification OIS/OI AAST, 2018), was carried out.
Results: three main components were identified: the first was associated with the lymphocyte count; the second component included high indicators of adaptive cellular immunity CD+19, CD+8, while the third component represented indicators of nonspecific humoral immunity. They accounted for 43.7%, 37.5% and 18.9% of the variance of intergroup differences, respectively. A strong negative correlation between neutrophils and lymphocytes and a weak positive correlation between IgM and IgG were revealed, which altogether indicated the preserved adaptive response of the immune system.
Conclusion: The multivariate analysis of immunological reactivity suggests a sufficient degree of mobilization of the immune system for the adequate adaptive response in patients with isolated blunt kidney trauma, which makes the prediction of the development of post-traumatic pyelonephritis doubtful.
Keywords: kidney injury, immunity, analysis of factors, cell-mediated immune response, humoral immune response, pyelonephritis

About the Autors

Corresponding author: K.A. Chiglintsev – Ph.D., Chief physician of the Medico-diagnostic center «Raduga», Chelyabinsk, Russia; e-mail:

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