The use of vascularized scrotal and penile 
flaps in reconstructive surgery 
of the urogenital region


A.A. Kamalov, R.T. Adamyan, M.M. Ekhoyan

1) Moscow Research and Education Center of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Director – academician, MD Kamalov A.A.), Moscow, Russia; 2) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Department of Urology and Andrology (director – academician, Ph.D., MD Kamalov A.A.), Moscow, Russia; 3) Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Russian Scientific Center of Surgery named after Academician B. V. Petrovsky (Director – academician, MD, Belov Yu.V.), Moscow, Russia; 4) Multidisciplinary medical center “Clinic K + 31”, (Director – M.D. Churadze B.T.), Moscow, Russia; 5) GBUZ «City Clinical Hospital No31» of the Moscow Healthcare, Moscow, Russia (Director – M.D. Ephremova N.M.), Moscow, Russia
The aim of the work is to present a modern view on the clinical application of urogenital flaps, such as autologous scrotal flap and foreskin. This plastic material has such characteristics as acceptable extensibility, good blood supply, accessibility and the absence of significant defects in the donor area. The use of urogenital flaps is an actual and promising direction in reconstructive urology. Unfortunately, currently there is not much literature data on the efficiency of using this type of flaps. Recent literature, both national and foreign studies, dedicated to using urogenital flaps, including comparative data with flaps of other localizations, are reviewed in the article. The review consists of several parts, corresponding to certain groups of nosologies, for the treatment of which urogenital flaps of different localization were used.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: M.M. Ekhoyan – urologist at the GBUZ «City Clinical Hospital No31» of the Moscow Healthcare, Moscow, Russia; e-mail:

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