Analysis of urinary stone composition 
by infrared spectroscopy in the population 
of the European part of Russia


V.I. Smirnova, D.G. Lebedev, S.V. Lapin, V.L. Emanuel,
 E.V. Rosengaus

1) Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 2) Alexander Hospital, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 3) North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 4) Russian Scientific Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after A.M. Granov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Introduction. Urolithiasis is one of the most common urological diseases, which affect at least 3% of the population.
Aim. To study the epidemiology of urolithiasis in the European part of the Russian Federation and to determine the composition of urinary stones in order to understand the pathogenetic mechanisms of urinary stones formation.
Materials and methods. Urinary stone were obtained from 2888 patients with urolithiasis and the composition of kidney stones was analyzed using the method of infrared spectroscopy.
Results. The predominance of oxalate stones was seen in kidney stones with mixed composition (83%) and the prevalence of uric acid stones (54%) was revealed in “pure” kidney stones. Urinary stones with a predominance of oxalates had significantly less impurities (12,4%) than stones with a predominance of uric acid, phosphates and carbonates with average amount of impurities more than 24%.
Conslusion. The analysis of stone composition with a consideration of pathogenic factor showed that disorders of calcium metabolism in the population of the European part of the Russian Federation prevailed (88%).

About the Autors

Corresponding author: V.I. Smirnova – biologist at the Scientific and Methodological Center for Molecular Medicine of the Ministry of Health Care of the Russian, Saint-Petersburg, e-mail:

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