Urethral diverticulum in a patient with two stones after combined treatment of prostate cancer with metastasis to the left cavernous body of the penis

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/urology.2022.2.77-83

N.V. Polyakov, S.A. Serebryany, D.A. Galitskaya, P.L. Penkov, A.A. Kachmazov, B.Ya. Alekseev

N.A. Lopatkin Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology - branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Center, Moscow, Russia
Urethral diverticula are sac-like dilatations of the urethra that communicate with its lumen. They may be congenital or acquired. In males, urethral diverticula are rare and classified as congenital (true) and acquired, which are associated with trauma, abscess, strictures, surgical procedures, in particular in patients with hypospadias.
A clinical observation of urethral diverticulum with two stones in a man after complex treatment of prostate cancer with metastasis to the left cavernous body of the penis is presented in the article.
At the first stage, the patient underwent endoscopic lithotripsy with a biopsy of the diverticulum wall and laser ablation of the stricture of urethrovesical anastomosis. At the second stage the excision of the diverticulum with urethroplasty was performed.
The team of authors considers this clinical observation to be unusual. Previously, postoperative urethral diverticula with two stones in patients after complex treatment of prostate cancer with metastasis to the left cavernous body of the penis was not described in the scientific literature.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: D.A. Galitskaya - junior researcher of the Pediatric Urologic Group, Ph.D. student of N.A. Lopatkin Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology - branch of the National Medical Research Radiological Center, Moscow, Russia; e-mail: dgalitsk@gmail.com

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