Molecular genetic predictors of the development of urolithiasis


D.N. Khotko, N.V. Polukonova, A.I. Khotko, N.A. Navolokin, A.I. Tarasenko

1) FGAOU VO Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, Ministry of Health of Russia, Saratov, Russia; 2) FGAOU VO I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Urolithiasis is one of the most urgent problems of clinical urology. Currently, there is no consensus on the causes of stone formation, as well as the role of various factors in the development of urolithiasis, however, increasingly, according to various studies, the leading role is given to genetic causes. The article presents a modern review of data on genetic polymorphisms associated with ICD: rs1801197 and rs6776158 of the CASR gene; TaqI of the VDR gene; rs1801197 of the CALCR gene, rs3752472, rs650439, rs2853744 of the Klotho gene.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: N.V. Polukonova - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Biology, Pharmacognosy and Botany, Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, Ministry of Health of Russia, Saratov, Russia; e-mail:

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