1) Republican Hospital №1 National Medical Center, Yakutsk, Russia;
2) Department of Urology and Andrology of Federal Medical and Biological Center named after A.I. Burnazyan FMBA RF, Moscow, Russia;
3) Medical Scientific and Educational Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;
4) City clinical hospital named after D.D. Pletnev of the Health Department c. Moscow”, Moscow, Russia
Aim. To assess the level of vascular growth factor in the tumor tissue, peritumorous area and in the renal vein during partial nephrectomy with intra-arterial chemoembolization with a targeted drug in patients with renal cell carcinoma.
Materials and methods. The study is based on the results of partial nephrectomy with intraoperative arterial chemoembolization with the targeted drug bevacizumab in patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma of T1aN0M0 stage. The level of vascular growth factor in the tumor tissue, parenchyma of the peritumorous area and in the renal vein before partial nephrectomy, during the compression of the renal pedicle and after intra-arterial administration of the targeted drug was evaluated.
Results. The obtained results showed that acute renal ischemia causes an increase in the level of vascular growth factor in the tumor tissue by almost twice, in the parenchyma of the peritumorous zone by more than one and a half times and in the renal vein by 2.5 times. Intra-arterial administration of the drug bevacizumab reduces the concentration of vascular growth factor in the tumor itself by a quarter, in the peritumorous zone by less than 10 percent, and in renal vein by almost 4 times.
Conclusions. The additional targeted chemoembolization prior to partial nephrectomy in renal tumors can improve recurrence-free and metastatis-free survival by inactivating vascular growth factor, a massive release of which occurs in acute kidney ischemia.
Corresponding author: A.V. Maksimov – Head of the Department of Urology, Republican Hospital №1 National Medical Center, Yakutsk, Russia; e-mail: maximov_alex1971@mail.ru