The use of "Fast-Track" in pediatric urology


E.A. Satvaldieva, M.U. Shakarova, I.B. Mamatkulov, M.U. Ismailova, Kh.N. Khotamov

1) Department of Pediatric anesthesiology and resuscitation of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 2) Department of Faculty Pediatric Surgery, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Background. Current trends in the anesthesiology require a change in the perioperative management of patients, with a consideration of new approaches to anesthesia and the introduction of methods that reduce the stress response to surgery.
Aim. To introduce the "fast-track" concept with the analysis of systemic hemodynamics and stress markers at the perioperative stage in children with urological diseases.
Materials and methods. A prospective and retrospective analysis of the results of 42 children with urological disorders treated from 09.2016 to 04.2021 under spinal anesthesia (SA) was carried out. In each case, perioperative parameters were evaluated, including central hemodynamics and biochemical markers of stress response.
Results. Hemodynamic stability under SA in young children has an evidence base and a physiological explanation. Changes in stress response markers in various anesthesia methods revealed a more pronounced stress-protective effect in SA than in general anesthesia.
Conclusions. Our data have shown that combined SA for urological procedures in children allows to more effectively and reliably prevent and block the manifestations of stress-induced reactions of hemodynamics and metabolism than general anesthesia. The introduction of fast-track approach in pediatric urology resulted in the faster postoperative recovery and shorter length of stay.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Kh. N. Khotamov – Ph.D., associate professor at the Department of Pediatric Surgery of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; e-mail:

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