Rare localization of prostate cancer single metastasis. Clinical case and literature review

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/urology.2022.4.75-77

S.P. Selivanov, E.V. Barysheva, Y.V. Shikunova

1) Center оf treatment and diagnostic, Tomsk, Russia; 2) Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk, Russia
The most common sites of prostate cancer metastases are lymph nodes, bones, lungs. The bladder is in 4th place in terms of the frequency of metastasis. We present a case of a rare single metastasis of prostate cancer to the bladder 8 years after the first diagnosis of prostate cancer T3N0M0. Patient A., 83 years old, complained of blood in the urine, frequent urination, nocturia. PSA level 5.4 ng / ml. During cystoscopy, a villous tumor on a broad base was totally resected. On histological examination, poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma 10 points according to Gleason (5 + 5).

About the Autors

Corresponding author: E.V. Barysheva – Cand. Med. Sci., The Head of CT and MRI Department, Limited Liability Company “Center of Treatment and Diagnostic”, Tomsk, Russia, e-mail: barysheva_e@mail.ru

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