Complex therapy and prevention of exacerbations of calculous pyelo- nephritis


T.I. Derevyanko, S.V. Pridchin, E.V. Ryzhkova

Stavropol State Medical University, Stavropol, Russia
Urolithiasis in Russia still occupies one of the leading places in the total number of urological nosologies. Acute and chronic calculous pyelonephritis is the most severe complication of urolithiasis, causing destructive kidney damage in the form of apostematous pyelonephritis, abscess, kidney carbuncle and pionephrosis. In the case of acute obstruction of the urinary tract by concretion, purulent kidney damage occurs in a very short period of time and the result of treatment in this case depends on the adequacy and speed of the choice of the method of drainage of the urinary tract, that is, the elimination of their obstruction, as well as the correct choice of rational antibacterial therapy. The article presents three clinical observations of effective treatment of patients with chronic calculous pyelonephritis with Phytolysin paste and Phytosilin capsules as part of complex therapy.

About the Autors

The author for correspondence: S.V. Pridchin – Assistant of the Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology-Andrology of Stavropol State Medical University, Stavropol, Russia; e-mail:

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