Impact of diagnostic criteria for asymptomatic bacteriuria on obstetric outcomes and urological complications during pregnancy


Tsukanov A.Yu., Savelyeva I.V., Kulchavenya E.V., Ibishev Kh.S., Firsov M.A., Alekseeva E.A., Dugarzhapova T.O., Krivchik G.V., Baipakova M.I., Treyvish L.S.

1) FGBOU VO «Omsk State Medical University», Omsk, Russia; 2) FGBOU VO Novosibirsk State Medical University of Ministry of Health of Russia, Novosibirsk, Russia; 3) Medical Center “Avicenna” of the group of companies "Mother and Child", Novosibirsk, Russia; 4) Rostov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; 5) FGBOU VO Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Russia; 6) KGBUZ “Krasnoyarsk Region Clinical Hospital”, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Aim. To study obstetric outcomes and urological complications using various diagnostic criteria for asymptomatic bacteriuria (AB) in pregnant women.
Materials and methods. A multicenter, retrospective, non-interventional, descriptive, parallel-group study was carried out. A total of 225 pregnant women with AB aged 18 to 45 years were included. They underwent bacteriological examination of urine. After the examination, patients were divided into 5 groups. Group 1 (n=82) included patients with 1 urine culture and antimicrobial treatment. Group 2 (n=57) included patients with 2 urine cultures and antimicrobial treatment. Group 3 (n=16) included patients with positive criteria for bacteriuria, but who refused treatment. In group 4 (n=51), there were women with uncomplicated pregnancy. Group 5 (n=19) included patients with bacteriuria, which did not meet the criteria for AB (<105).
Results. Based on the results of 225 patients (average age 28±5.5 years), preterm birth occurred significantly more often in all groups when AB was detected, regardless of treatment, in comparison with a normal pregnancy. In patients of groups 2, 3, 5, preeclampsia was significantly more common. There were no significant differences in complications such as arterial hypertension and amnionitis.
Urological complications. The degree of AB and administration of treatment did not affect the incidence of pyelonephritis or obstetric outcomes. However, in group 1 there was a weak tendency towards a more frequent development of pyelonephritis in the 3rd trimester.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: A.Yu. Tcukanov – Ph.D., MD, professor, Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases and Urology of FGBOU VO «Omsk State Medical University», Omsk, Russia; e-mail:

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