Studer’s operation is a fight for the quality of life of the patient


Los M.S., Makov P.S., Ukharsky A.V.

1) LLC “Medical Center «Gusar Health»”, Yaroslavl, Russia; 2) The state budgetary institution of health care of the Yaroslavl region «Clinical oncological hospital», Yaroslavl, Russia
The article presents a clinical observation demonstrating the functional results of orthotopic bladder plastic surgery according to Studer after radical cystectomy, which demonstrates the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) 2.5 years after surgery. According to the literature, patients who survived the early postoperative period with muscle-invasive bladder cancer and no lymph node involvement have a high probability of relapse-free and cancer-specific life expectancy of more than 15 years, but the probability of developing severe renal failure reaches 20%, which reduces the quality and duration of life of such patients. Progression of CKD in patients after orthotopic bladder plastic surgery according to Studer is possible against the background of high intravesical pressure in the emptying phase. According to clinical guidelines, intermittent autocatheterization is indicated for patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction such as detrusor hypotension and high intravesical pressure during the voiding phase, minimizing the risk of upper urinary tract damage. Standards for managing patients with an orthotopic bladder do not provide such recommendations. Additional studies are needed to determine the advisability of persistent catheterization of an artificial bladder in the absence of residual urine but high intravesical pressure during urination.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: M.S. Los – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of LLC “Medical Center “Gusar Health””, Yaroslavl, Russian; e-mail:

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