Symptomatic urinary tract infections in pregnant and non-pregnant women. What is common and what are the differences?


Lokshin K.L.

OOO «GMS Hospital», Moscow, Russia
This review outlines current approach to diagnostics and treatment of symptomatic urinary tract infections in pregnant and non-pregnant women.
Using data from modern studies and the most current clinical guidelines, an analysis of changes in the resistance of pathogens causing cystitis and pyelonephritis in women was carried out.
The current principles of selection and rules for antibiotic therapy in pregnant and non-pregnant patients with symptomatic urinary tract infections were reviewed.

About the Autors

Author for correspondence: K.L. Lokshin – MD, Head of the Center for Operative Urology, Oncourology and Andrology OOO «GMS Hospital», Moscow, Russia; e-mail:

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