Original paper |
V.S. Saenko, A.Z. Vinarov, Yu.L. Demidko, R.V. Puchenkin, M.A. Gazimiev, P. V. Glybochko
Features of the mineral composition of urinary stones depending on the region of residence, gender and age in the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan
5-12 |
V.V. Protoshchak, M.V. Paronnikov, P.A. Babkin, A.V. Sleptsov
Prevention of urolithiasis using febuxostat in patients with metabolic syndrome
13-20 |
M.N. Shatokhin, I.M. Kholimenko, V.I. Besprozvannyj, M.Y. Mavrin, E.N. Konoplja, O.V. Teodorovich
Changes in the structural and functional properties of erythrocytes in serous and purulent acute pyelonephritis
21-27 |
D.N. Khotko, A.I. Khotko, V.M. Popkov, A.I. Tarasenko, A.V. Kuligin, G.V. Podrezova, A.O. Efimova
The use of laser doppler flowmetry to assess the microcirculation of the kidney before and after percutaneous nephrolithotomy
28-32 |
E.V. Kulchavenya, A.I. Neimark, A.Yu. Tsukanov, A.B. Neimark, M.V. Razdorskaya
Chronic cystitis: how to prolong the relapse-free period?
34-41 |
Kh.S. Ibishev, E.A. Sinelnik, G.A. Magomedov, I.A. Gudima, E.G. Zhuravleva
The role of electron microscopy of ejaculate in the diagnosis of infertility associated with human papillomavirus infection
42-46 |
R.V. Salyukov, A.A. Kamalov, D.A. Okhobotov, M.E. Chalyi, M.V. Frolova
Efficacy of fesoterodine for prevention of autonomic dysreflexia in patients with neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder after spinal cord injury
47-51 |
A.S. Al-Shukri, N.I. Dub, A.V. Maksimova, V.S. Konyushiy, S.B. Petrov
Evaluation of the efficiency and safety of the dispersed form of sildenafil (50 mg) in males with erectile dysfunction
52-57 |
S.V. Popov, R.G. Huseynov, I.N. Orlov, K.V. Sivak, O.N. Skryabin, V.V. Perepelitsa, A.S. Katunin, S.Yu. Yasheva, A.S. Zaitsev
Enoxaparin sodium for pharmacological prevention of postoperative venous thromboembolic complications in urological patients
58-69 |
R.M. Chotchaev, O.N. Zuban, M.A. Prokopovich
Analysis of surgical complications of reconstructive plastic surgery according to the Clavien–Dindo classification
70-77 |
А.А. Kamalov, O.Yu. Nesterova, V.Yu. Mareev, Ia.A. Orlova, Yu.V. Mareev, Yu L. Begrambekova, Z.Sh. Pavlova, A.G. Plisyk, L.M. Samokhodskaya, E.A. Mershina, D.A. Ohobotov, A.A. Strigunov, D.D. Tsurskaya
Androgenic status of men with severe COVID-19: the role of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone [within the program FOUNDER (features of a new coronavirus infection course and options therapy depending on the androgenic status)]
78-86 |
S.S. Ivanov, O.V. Teodorovich, S.V. Ivanov, A.V. Krasnov, R.S. Ovchinnikov
The relationship between penile hemodynamic parameters in cavernous
rteries and penile rigidity
87-91 |
M.S. Mosoyan, D.A. Shelipanov, P.A. Fedotov, D.A. Fedorov, M.A. Simonenko
Experience in performing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy in patients after heart transplan- tation
92-97 |
M.I. Katibov, A.B. Bogdanov, Z.M. Magomedov, K.E. Mollaeva
Giant prostate stones: case report
98-101 |
V.S. Boshchenko, D.A. Maspanov, M.S. Lozovsky, E.D. Kuchina, M.V. Zavyalova
Organ-sparing treatment of prostate stromal tumor of uncertain malignancy potential
102-106 |
B.G. Guliev, J.P. Avazkhanov
Ureteroplasty with buccal flap: indications, technique, alternative methods
107-113 |
S.A. Kutia, A.V. Eremin, M.A. Alekseev
Etymology of russian terms in the anatomy of the urinary system
114-116 |
Teodorovich Oleg Valentinovich (on the occasion of his 70th birthday)
117 |
In memory of Professor Oleg Leonidovich Tiktinsky (on the occasion of his 95th birthday)
118-119 |
In memory of Lyubov Alexandrovna Sinyakova (06.10.1953–13.06.2023)
120 |