Found: 2 articles

Article Edition
I.S. Shormanov, D.N. Shchedrov, S.V. Kotov, A.I. Strelnikov, E.V. Morozov, E.V. Pomeshkin, A.I. Novikov, R.V. Smirnov, A.I. Bragin-Maltsev, Y.S. Tareev, E.S. Kotreichuk, D.Y. Garova
Urachus diseases in adults: features of diagnostic and treatment tactics, multicenter study
№3 / 2022
A.V. Kustov, A.I. Strelnikov, A.O. Airapetyan, M.A. Moryganov, N.I. Zhuravleva
Diagnosis of Metabolic Disorders and Metaphylaxis of Recurrent Calcium Oxalate Urolithiasis
№5 / 2015

Бионика Медиа