Found: 4 articles

Article Edition
Malkhasyan V.A., Martov A.G., Gadzhiev N.K., Sukhikh S.O., Grigoryan B.L., Pushkar D.Yu.
Complications of flexible ureterorenoscopy: a systematic review
№2 / 2024
Protoshchak V.V., Orlov D.N., Paronnikov M.V., Karpushchenko E.G.
Prognosis of ureteral dilatation during procedures using a ureteral access sheath in patients with urolithiasis
№1 / 2024
N.I. Sorokin, E.V. Afanasievskaya, A.M. Kadysheva, A.S. Shurygina, A.S. Tivtikyan, Z.A. Gevorkyan, I.S. Pazin, V.K. Dzitiev, M.M. Ekhoyan, I.N. Orlov, A.A. Kamalov
Mini-PCNL, micro-PCNL or RIRS: comparative efficacy and safety in renal stones up to 2 cm
№4 / 2023
A.G. Kochetov, A.V. Esipov, O.V. Sidorov, B.R. Gvasalia, A.V. Alekhnovich, N.A. Baikov, A.A. Gritskevich, A.V. Kasaikin, A.G. Martov
Modern endourological technologies – new opportunities in the treatment of patients with urinary tract anomalies and in complex clinical cases
№6 / 2022

Бионика Медиа