Found: 39 articles

Article Edition
Е.А. Ефремов, Е.В. Касатонова, Я.И. Мельник
Подготовка мужчины к зачатию
№3 / 2015
Malolina E.A., Kulibin A.Yu., Tyulenev Yu.A., Kusch A.A.
Destructive changes in the mice testes in retrograde infection with herpes simplex virus
№4 / 2013
O.V. Akimov, S.A. Kostromeyev, A.A. Dyshkovets
Experience of use of allokin-alfa in the treatment of infectious-inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system complicated by excretory-toxic infertility
№1 / 2013

Бионика Медиа