Found: 3 articles

Article Edition
Kogan M.I., Medvedev V.L., Naboka Yu.L., Ivanov S.N., Palaguta G.A., Arkhipenko M.V.
Microbial spectrum of urine before and after transurethral procedures on the prostate in patients with postoperative urinary tract infections
№2 / 2024
S.N. Ivanov, M.I. Kogan, Y.L. Naboka, V.L. Medvedev
Infectious factor in transuretral surgery of benign prostate hyperplasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
№4 / 2023
Vatazin A.V., Dutov V.V., Zulkarnaev A.B., Fedulkina V.A., Krstich M.
Infectious complications after kidney transplantation
№3 / 2013

Бионика Медиа