Evaluation of upper urinary tract function in patients undergoing autoplastic surgery for hydronеphrosis of the intrarenal pelvis

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/urology.2018.2.46-53

R.M. Kurbanaliev, A.Ch. Usupbaev, I.V. Kolesnichenko, N.Zh. Sadyrbekov, B.M. Sultanov

M.T. Tynaliev Department of Urology and Andrology of pre- and postgraduate education. I. K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic; B. N. El’tsin Department of Urology, Kyrgyz-Slavic University, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic; Republican Scientific Center of Urology at the National Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Aim. To investigate the functional state of the upper urinary tract in patients undergoing autoplastic surgery for a hydronophrosis of the intrarenal pelvis.
Material and methods. The study comprised 78 patients with the intrarenal pelvis and impaired urinary outflow due to stricture of the ureteropelvic junction and vascular conflict (interatrial and arteriovenous narrowing), who underwent pyeloplasty using autologous tunica vaginalis. All patients underwent an incision of ureteropelvic stricture and resection of the parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis which was used to repair the obstruction site and internal stenting of the upper urinary tract.
Results. The patients were examined at baseline and during follow-up ranging from 3 months to 3 years. At three months after surgery, there was a decrease in the size of the renal pelvis and calyces with an improvement of all parameters of uro- and hemodynamics. At three years after surgery, the structural and functional parameters of the upper urinary tract were completely restored.
Conclusion. Obstructive uropathy, resulting from the intrarenal pelvis, leads to persistently impaired urinary outflow from the upper urinary tract. Surgical intervention is the only curative treatment able to restore the urinary flow. In men with the intrarenal pelvis, the autoplastic surgery of the ureteropelvic junction obstruction using a parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis is an effective surgical modality improving renal pelvis capacity and contributing to the recovery of urinary outflow from the upper urinary tract.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: R. M. Kurbanaliev – Ph.D., Teaching Assistant at the M.T. Tynaliev Department of Urology and Andrology of pre- and postgraduate education, I. K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic; e-mail: doc_kurbanaliev@mail.ru

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