Paternity rates among men who have not undergone varicocelectomy in childhood or adolescence


V.V. Sizonov, Z.A. Sichinava, Y.A. Kravtsov, M.I. Kogan

1) FGBOU VO «Rostov State Medical University of the Minzdrav of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; 2) Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia; 3) Medical Center of Pacific National Medical University, Vladivostok, Russia; 4) Rostov Regional Children’s Hospital, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Introduction: Feasibility of prophylactic varicocelectomy in adolescents is under discussion, which determines the importance of studying the frequency of paternity among men who were actively monitored.
Aim: to evaluate a paternity rate in a group of adult men who have not undergone varicocelectomy in childhood or adolescence.
Materials and methods: The paternity rate was evaluated using a questionnaire-based survey carried out in 2018 among men who were actively monitored for unilateral varicocele with ipsilateral testicular hypotrophy during adolescence in 1999-2004. A total of 202 questionnaires were sent out checking whether the recipients were willing to have children. Median age at the time of the varicocele diagnosis was 15 years [Q1; Q3] (13–17). At the time of diagnosis, varicocele of grade III was found in 114 (93.4%) boys, and in 8 (6.6%) children, varicocele of grade
II was seen.
Results: A total of 142 respondents were enrolled. Median age of the participants was 31 (29; 34). 20 men were excluded from the survey, due to prophylactic varicocelectomy (n=8, 5.6%), other reproductive diseases (n=4, 2.8%), previous radiotherapy or chemotherapy (n=2, 1.4%) and reproductive pathologies in the spouses (n=6, 4.2%). 16 (13.1%) participants were not planning to have children. Among the remaining, 9 respondents (6.6%) had no children. Varicocelectomy was carried out in 17 (16.3%) patients due to infertility, and 14 (82.3%) subsequently became fathers. 83 (78.3%) patients had one or more children as a result of spontaneous pregnancy. Paternity frequency in the surveyed group was 91.5%.
Conclusion: Our results demonstrate high paternity frequency among men with asymptomatic left-sided varicocele accompanied by ipsilateral testicular hypotrophy during childhood and adolescence who were actively monitored without surgical treatment.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: V.V. Sizonov – MD, associate professor, professor at the Department of urology and reproductive health with the course of pediatric urology and andrology of FGBOU VO «Rostov State Medical University of the Minzdrav of Russia, Head of the Pediatric Uroandrologic Department of Rostov Regional Children’s Hospital, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail:

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