The role of viral infection in the development of recurrent lower urinary tract infections


K.S. Ibishev, T.O. Lapteva, D.V. Krachotkin, N.N. Ryabenchenko

Department of urology and reproductive health with the course of pediatric urology and andrology of FGBOU VO «Rostov State Medical University of the Minzdrav of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
This review is dedicated to the problems of diagnosing recurrent lower urinary tract infections caused by viruses. The literature search was conducted using the Medline, PubMed, EMBASE, CNKI, and WANG FANG databases. Further study of virobiota and microbiome of urine both in normal and in pathological conditions are warranted.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: H.S. Ibishev – MD, professor at the Department of urology and reproductive health with the course of pediatric urology and andrology of FGBOU VO «Rostov State Medical University of the Minzdrav of Russia, Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail:

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