The role of obesity in the pathogenesis of benign prostatic hyperplasia


O.I. Bratchikov, I.A. Tyuzikov, S.O. Artishchev, E.A. Shumakova

1 Department of Urology (Head – academician of RANH, professor O.I. Bratchikov) of FGBOU VO “Kursk State Medical University”, Kursk, Russia; 2 Medical Center «Tandem-Plus», Yaroslavl, Russia
The pathophysiological role of obesity as one of the most significant and actual metabolic non-infectious diseases and the key component of the metabolic syndrome based on results of modern epidemiological and clinical-experimental studies is discussed in the review. General information on the prevalence of obesity and its negative effect on the quality of life of men is presented. The endocrinology of adipose tissue and associated hormonal and metabolic disorders are discussed in more detail. The analysis of pathophysiological mechanisms explaining an influence of obesity on prostate metabolism, which leads to the initiation and progression of the benign prostatic hyperplasia, is carried out. Currently, there is a large body of evidence that obesity and benign prostatic hyperplasia have a lot of common interacting pathogenetic mechanisms. An opinion that, considering a global increase in the prevalence and severity of obesity in men and its negative effects on the prostate, treatment for obesity in men can be considered as an effective primary preventive measure, and in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia as an effective secondary preventive measure.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: O.I. Bratchikov – MD, professor, Head of the Department of Urology of FGBOU VO “Kursk State Medical University”, Kursk, Russia; e-mail:

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