Primary melanoma of renal pelvis


I.I. Abdullin, N.A. Grigoriev, N.V. Gaydamaka, Yu.Yu. Drozdova

1) AO «European Medical Center", Moscow, Russia; 2) Department of Endoscopic Urology of Faculty of Continuous Medical Education of Medical Institute, Moscow, Russia
A rare case of primary renal pelvis melanoma in 47-year-old man is presented in the article. Before surgery a patient was considered to have metastatic urothelial carcinoma. A diagnosis of malignant melanoma was based on immunophenotyping and detection of intracellular melanin pigment both in pelvis tumor and lung metastasis. The primary localization in the pelvis was proven by the presence of scattered melanocytes within urothelium.The patient had no previous history ofskin or mucosa melanoma. This is the sixth case of renal pelvis melanoma published in PubMed.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: I.I. Abdullin – Ph.D., urologist at the AO «European Medical Center", Moscow, Russia; e-mail:

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