Evolution of views on the etiology and pathogenesis of lower urinary tract symptoms for men

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/urology.2022.5.135-141

I.A. Tyuzikov, Yu.A. Tishova

1) Medical Center «Tandem–Plus», Yaroslavl, Russia; 2) Clinic «K-Medicine», Moscow, Russia
The review article in the format of a «Lecture for Doctors» examines the evolution of terminology reflecting various disorders of urination and understanding their etiology and pathogenesis from a methodological and historical point of view. Symptoms of the lower urinary tract (LUTS) is a new term that replaced the term «Dysuria» that previously existed in the literature and suggests the allocation of various groups of symptoms depending on the violation of key functions of the bladder, which greatly facilitates obtaining reliable information about the state of urination in a particular patient. However, for a long time, LUTS were identified exclusively with urological pathology. Thanks to the fundamental research of recent decades, it has become obvious that LUTS is an interdisciplinary problem involving various specialists in the process of diagnosis and correction. One of the current trends in the study of the urination pathophysiology is the influence of systemic hormonal and metabolic disorders in men, which are considered as independent factors of the LUTS. The role of testosterone deficiency in the pathogenesis of LUTS is highlighted and the safety and effectiveness of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in hypogonadal men with LUTS is shown.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: I.A. Tyuzikov – Cand.Med.Sci., professor of the Russian Academy of Natural History (RANH), urologist-andrologist at the Medical Center «Tandem–Plus», Yaroslavl, Russia; e-mail: phoenix-67@list.ru

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