Evaluation of the effect of Alfuprost® MR on detrusor thickness and bladder mass in patients with detrusor hypertrophy caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/urology.2023.6.14-21

Kuzmenko A.V., Kuzmenko V.V., Gyaurgiev T.A.

Department of Urology (Head – Ph.D., MD, associate professor O.V. Zolotukhin) of the FGBOU VO «Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko», Voronezh, Russia
Introduction. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) can lead to the detrusor hypertrophy and deterioration of the bladder function with a decrease in its contractile activity. A number of publications are presented in the literature, the results of which indicate the possibility of reducing bladder hypertrophy with alpha-blockers.
Aim. To carry out the retrospective analysis to study the effect of Alfuprost® MR on urodynamic parameters, as well as the influence of the therapy on detrusor thickness and bladder mass in patients with detrusor hypertrophy and bladder outlet obstruction caused by BPH.
Materials and methods. Outpatient records of 30 patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) caused by BPH who received Alfuprost® MR as monotherapy for 24 weeks were reviewed. Based on the diaries, the following parameters were assessed: total IPSS score, IPSS voiding (questions No. 1, 3, 5 and 6) and storage subscale scores (questions No. 2, 4 and 7), maximum flow rate (Qmax) according to uroflowmetry, the volume of the prostate and the postvoid residual (assessed by ultrasound), satisfaction with treatment on the quality-of-life score (QoL), as well as the changes in detrusor thickness and bladder mass index.
Results. An improvement in LUTS severity, starting from the 4th week of treatment, followed by a positive trend that persists until the 24th week of therapy with Alfuprost® MR, was found. The overall average IPSS score improved by 39.0% by the 24th week of therapy. At the same time, voiding symptoms improved by 46.8%, and storage symptoms improved by 30.9% by 24 weeks of therapy. The average Qmax increased significantly (p<0.05) by 22.1% after 24 weeks of therapy. The average detrusor thickness decreased by 40,2%. Bladder mass index decreased significantly by an average of 34,3% (p<0.05). QoL score improved significantly (p<0.05) by 2.2 points after 24 weeks of therapy.
Conclusion. During the 24-week treatment of patients with BPH, Alfuprost® MR demonstrated clinical efficacy not only in reducing voiding symptoms and in improving the QoL, but also a positive effect on detrusor hypertrophy, as evidenced by changes in detrusor thickness and bladder mass index. The absence of any adverse events, including decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, allows us to recommend Alfuprost® MR as an effective treatment for LUTS associated with BPH, which reduces detrusor hypertrophy and has a high safety profile and minimal vasodilating effects.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: A.V. Kuzmenko – MD, Professor of the Department of Specialized Surgical Disciplines, Voronezh State Medical University n.a. N.N. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia; e-mail: kuzmenkoav09@yandex.ru

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